Sunday, December 2, 2007

blessings all over the place

I think yesterday was the greatest day ever. UGA HEROs raised over $306,000 this year which was something I never truly believed possible. I may have acted confident in our goal on the outside but inside, I think I did not have enough faith to believe in us. I have never been happier to be wrong in my entire life! When that total was announced yesterday, I have never been so surprised and overwhelmed and happy and satisfied. I have been so blessed to have been given the opportunity to take even a small part in this organization for the last year. Good times and bad, I have learned more about myself and what it means to live by faith than I ever imagined. I played at the HERO Olympics all day yesterday with my new little friend Josalyn and had the best time ever acting like a goofball kid. Too bad I can't spin around like a used to, I almost got sick on one ride while Josalyn spun me around in circles which is really sad! She taught me how to dance a little better(not much improvement there) but also gave me a chance to know where the money we raise can really help these children to have not only one day of fun, but a lifetime of growth-let's hope. Thank you to all of you who supported me this year and put up with my many many fundraising pleas- it all came full circle yesterday, I promise!

Add on top of that emotional rollercoaster the fact that the #1 and #2 football teams in the country lost last night, giving us a (small) chance at a national championship game.....what a day what a day. And that, my friends, is why December 1, 2007 was my greatest day so far. Where do I go from here?